Queen Mary University of London

Our Global Public Health Unit at Queen Mary University of London is an inter-disciplinary team working on health from sociological, political, anthropological and economic perspectives (amongst others).

Whilst we do not have an economics programme in our unit, we engage with a range of different economic issues and theoretical approaches across our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. We take a pluralist and critical perspective with regards to the use of economics applied to global public health, including, but not limited to, the following topics:

Economic evaluations of health interventions and limitations of this approach

Economic impact of health

Market failiure

Privatisation and Public Private Partnerships in Health

WHO, trade and health

Neoclassical, Behavioural and Marxian approaches to understanding health

Inequality and health

Pharmaceutical Firms and drug provision

Health financing






BSc Global Health

Specific modules which addres economics

Introduction to Health economics

Health Systems, Policy and Practice



MSc Global Public Health and Policy

MSc Global Health, Law and Governance

Specific modules which addres economics

Health Systems, Policy and Practice



MSc Global Public Health DBL

Specific modules which addres economics

Critical Health Economics

Health Systems Policy and Performance

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