Antonio Andreoni

SOAS University of London

Antonio is a Lecturer in Economics at the Department of Economics of SOAS University of London, where he also leads the Interdepartmental Research Cluster on Industrial Development and Policy, SOAS-IDP. He is also Research Fellow at the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge where he co-founded the Babbage Industrial Policy Network. At Columbia University, he is Member of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue IPD Task Forces on ‘Industrial Policy’ and ‘Quality of Growth in Africa’ led by Joseph Stiglitz. Finally, he is Associate Member of the AIRNet Academic-Industry Research Network, Elected Member of the Global Young Academy, Member of the Scientific Board of the Revue d’Economie Industrielle and Member of the Reteaching Economics.

Antonio’s research focuses on the architecture and technological dynamics of global and local production systems, and the political economy of manufacturing development. Antonio concentrates on the ways in which value is created in production systems, captured in the glo-cal markets and distributed in different productive organisations and political settlements. His approach integrates industrial economics and engineering in the analysis of learning and technological dynamics, within and across productive organisations and sectoral value chains, specifically focusing on linkages and structural interdependencies. His microeconomics and sector-specific studies of industrial systems and organisations are framed within a political settlements and comparative political economy analysis of industrial development, institutions and policies. Particular attention is given to corruption dynamics, rents-chains and clientelism, powerful economic organisations and structures. Building on this research, Antonio’s policy work focuses on the design (targeting criteria), implementation (policy instruments), enforcement (rents management) and M&E of industrial policies, as well as other global economic governance issues. Antonio has also worked for almost a decade on microfinance and financial systems for productive development.

His sectoral and technology expertise includes machine tools, medical device, plastics, automation, robotics and packaging, food and agro processing. Antonio’s country focus includes Italy (Emilia Romagna), UK, Germany, Tanzania, East Africa Community, Nigeria, South Africa and Bangladesh.

Antonio holds a PhD (Development Economics) and Postdoc (Engineering) from the University of Cambridge. He has taught in various academic institutions, including the University of Bologna, University of Cambridge, Polytechnics of Milan and Turin, and LUISS. He has also advised and worked with a number of national and international organisations including UNIDO, ILO, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN DESA, OECD, BMZ-GIZ, JICA, Tanzanian Ministry of Industry and Trade, and UK Government Office for Science.

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