Elisa Van Waeyenberge

SOAS University of London

Elisa Van Waeyenberge is a lecturer in Economics at SOAS University of London. She teaches macroeconomic analysis to undergraduate and graduate diploma students as well as research methods to master students. Her research interests include alternative macroeconomic policies in developing countries, the role of International Financial Institutions across policy and scholarly realms, as well as the financing of infrastructure and public service provision.

She has authored a few articles on these topics as well as edited books with colleagues, including The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research (together with Kate Bayliss and Ben Fine). 

She is in the process of editing a textbook on the history of economy thought, together with Kevin Deane, bringing together a host of contributions from various members of Reteaching Economics. The book is to be published in 2018 under the title Recharting the History of Economic Thought. It follows on from an earlier small research project undertaken together with Kevin Deane and Rachel Maxwell on curriculum redesign of a course on the history of economic thought, the results of which are published as 'Recharting the History of Economic Thought: Approaches to and student experiences of the introduction of pluralist teaching in an undergraduate economics curriculum.' Review of Keynesian Economics. (Forthcoming)

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