Sophie van Huellen
SOAS University of London
Sophie van Huellen is a lecturer in Economics at SOAS University of London. She teaches undergraduate and post graduate modules in international finance and advanced econometrics.
Her research interests are in quantitative methods beyond econometrics inclulding machine learning and big data. She is further interested in financial markets, financialisation, (agricultural) commodity markets, and global value chains.
At SOAS University of London, she is an active memeber of the Food, Nutrition and Health in Development Research Cluster and the Research Cluster on Industrial Development and Policy.
Recent research output includes:
- What Happens to Wage Elasticities When We Strip Playometrics? Revisiting Married Women Labour Supply Model. - A critique of the standard econometrics textbook appraoch to the estimation of wage elasticities.
- Price Non-Convergence in Commodities: A Case Study of the Wheat Conundrum. - A discussion on the effect of speculation on price formation mechanisms in wheat futures markets.
- Price Discovery in Commodity Markets with Heterogenous Agents. - A market microstructure appraoch to the efficient market hypothesis for commodity pricing.
In the past, Sophie has worked for various internatioanl and national institutions, such as UNCTAD, the African Development Bank and the German Federal Ministry of Finance.
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