BA (Hons) Financial Economics

Birmingham City University

Institutional webpage for this programme

Our degree prepares you to work as an economist within the financial sector, or in a related role which is concerned with the allocation of resources across all sectors of the economy. Our degree provides both the modes of thought and technical skills that have practical applications in business and society.

As Financial Economists work in a number of settings, you will be prepared for a career in government departments, in local government, in firms and organisations, and in the financial services industry (for example forecasting), therefore providing you with a range of options dependent on the graduate role you subsequently seek.

You will be equipped with a firm foundation of knowledge focussed on the workings, strengths and weaknesses of diverse financial economic strategies. To deal with this complex background you will be taught the appropriate tools to analyse the issues Nations and industries currently face.

What's covered in the course?

The course will not just use financial economics to explain social, financial and business interactions, but will draw back knowledge and understanding from these related areas, using these to challenge and progress your understanding of financial markets.

The technical skills within your degree, alongside your voluntary engagement with our Graduate + employability programme, will aid your development as a work-ready graduate, equipping you with a range of technical and employability skills suitable for a wide range of positions. Your course will foster your intellectual and moral development, and encourage your personal commitment to the social purpose of becoming a professional financial economist.

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